Indonesia’s increasing focus in the tourism sector has brought with it the very real threat of overtourism. The environmental degradation caused by tourism activities are not just a hypothetical concern. Recently, there …
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Indonesia’s increasing focus in the tourism sector has brought with it the very real threat of overtourism. The environmental degradation caused by tourism activities are not just a hypothetical concern. Recently, there …
Selepas keluar dari Stasiun Tugu, kaki yang kurang lebih satu seperempat jam berdiri dalam kereta harus sesegera mungkin melangkah ke Kawasan Malioboro. Cuaca semakin terik. Pagi menjelang siang, Yogyakarta kala itu memang …
“Duh, ngapain lagi nih di Jogja? Ke pantai udah, ke candi udah, ke hutan pinus udah,” kamu garuk-garuk kepala. Kalau emang kamu udah bingung mau ngapain lagi di Jogja padahal waktu liburanmu …